ENglish HERE!



Young kilobytes
Buried in the files
Rest in peace, zeros and units

You didn’t recognize the freedom
in the bosom of the mighty transistors
Become you free,
electrons of the human mind
Rest in peace, zeros and units

I am crashing the disk in a whole
and the rest I leave for tomorrow

The Intelligent assault
the Brainstorming
the Icebreaker of a foreheads
the Bulldozer of thoughts
The Extruder, Yeahh
The Mill, Mill, Mill

The splitter of mind
The chopper of sounds
The Bloom, the nonsense noise
the Bulldozer of thoughts
The Extruder, Yeahh
The Mill, Mill, Mill

Fun, fun, fun, fun, Fun, fun, fun, fun
Nightshade nightshade, nightshade, nightshade
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
mill, mill, mill

Constitution as constitution…